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FLY Behind The Scenes

For Loving You - FLY Fashion In a Nutshell

For Loving You - FLY Fashion In a Nutshell

For Loving You - FLY Fashion In a Nutshell

For Loving You - FLY Fashion In a Nutshell

So much has happened lately and we want to remind our customers and followers what it's like to shop with us (it's super easy - we promise) and WHY you should shop with us so here it is... (in a nu...

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Our Festive Pop Up Locations - Come join us!

Our Festive Pop Up Locations - Come join us!

We're getting in the festive spirit and have a range of pop-ups scheduled over the next month! Come and visit us at a range of locations across Dubai over the next month. Find your perfect outfit w...

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Why We All Love a Wrap Dress!

Why We All Love a Wrap Dress!

When it comes to fashion choices, women of all sizes are often on the hunt for garments that not only make them look and feel fabulous but also provide comfort and versatility. The wrap dress is a ...

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Why FLY?

Why FLY?

After the pandemic, For Loving You’s owner and founder, Natalie Walsh, was ready for a new challenge. After deciding to discover new passions, Natalie learnt how to sew and enrolled herself on a f...

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Styled for Success: How to Select Your Outfits on a Sunday for the Week Ahead

Styled for Success: How to Select Your Outfits on a Sunday for the Week Ahead

Sunday—the day of rest and rejuvenation. It's also the perfect opportunity to set yourself up for a successful and stress-free week ahead, starting with your wardrobe. By taking a little time on Su...

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What is Fast Fashion?

What is Fast Fashion?

After speaking to many of our lovely customers, it has become apparent to me that the term 'fast fashion' is one that you have heard many times. You may have heard that 'fast fashion' has a negativ...

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Liberating Fashion: Embrace Your Style Beyond Body Image

Liberating Fashion: Embrace Your Style Beyond Body Image

In a world that often dictates what's in and what's out based on body shape, it's easy to become entangled in the web of insecurities. But here's the truth: your sense of style is not confined by y...

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Stay Cool and Stylish: Must-Have Summer Staples for the Heat

Stay Cool and Stylish: Must-Have Summer Staples for the Heat

Are you staying in Dubai this summer? Or maybe you're travelling to Europe? Whatever your plans, you're bound to encounter some serious heat this summer with scorching temperatures circulating arou...

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A Fun and Easy Guide to Organising Your Clothes

A Fun and Easy Guide to Organising Your Clothes

Are you tired of digging through heaps of clothes every morning, desperately searching for that perfect outfit? It can be a pain, especially if you start your day super early! It's time to bid fare...

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How To Curate Your Own Sense Of Style

How To Curate Your Own Sense Of Style

Do you ever look in your wardrobe and find you have nothing to wear, despite the racks of clothes that you've kept locked away? The ones that haven't seen the harsh light of day since the day you ...

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